Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week 6 Halfway, SLMC websites, Access

This week's discussion thread, "Where are we all at Week 6" jarred me as I hadn't looked at the calendar to even check where we stood. With so much more to read, so many new things to learn and master, then so many websites to investigate, and projects to complete, I truthfully did not focus on an ending point. As I have talked about before....I need to turn that corner where I stop being the learner and start being the "teacher" and learn on my own....but I am really enjoying the way we are learning and then 'doing' at the same time!! Using a new tool in an appropriate way helps me learn...and hopefully I can quickly turn it around and use it in my library, and just as importantly, teach others to feel comfortable with these new tools.
My district librarians and I need to get working on our HS library website, for function, content and usability. Making a website that invites students in to use it is as important as inviting them into the library. Many of the websites we searched really welcomed me in to explore and check out every link.
I am anxious to get started on my iSafe certification and bring an excellent program to Batavia. Week 6 and still so much more to learn!!!

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