Saturday, February 14, 2009

Week 5 Catalog Searching

Not to simplify library catalogs but I think they fall into two types. Those that use three search areas; subject, title, author and those that are more colorful, interactive but ask a child to know more about a book/resource than they might possibly know? If they want to find the book from The Animal Ark series or the wonderful classic Lassie, a child has to decide Animals or Adventure to start their search. Sometimes kids don't understand categorizing as older people do. So cute or engaging won’t speed up their success at finding the book they want.

What I always worry about are the many displays I set up to try to get the “Right book, in the Right hands at the Right time. But the moment you do that your catalog become obsolete, sending the child on a frustrating wild goose chase. I wanted to post this as a Wiki thread to ask students what they would do in their library? Keep books where they belong on the shelf or get them into a child’s hands? Perhaps after my library is renovated and I have many permanent display areas I can site that in my OPAC.


  1. So post it to the discussion thread - I would be interested to see what they say. On a different note and becasue I am nosey, how is the class going for you? Is it enough different that you don't feel like you are wasting your time? So many of the projects are portfolio items you had to do also that I am curious.


  2. I wrote a whole letter and then lost it when I hit preview?? I showing my age if I admit I often write in Word then cut and paste.? daughter lost out on taking her SAT when she shouldhave because she scrolled while in a text box when she registered for the test and it flipped the date forward 7 months...
    I quote you and my readings to the other 4 librarians in our district all the time, I intend to make sure we are complying with the ADA by meeting again with the Superintendant of Special Education..On our next Supt. Day I’m reformatting my fifth grade Famous Americans project to include many web 2.0 tools.
    I don't remember doing these projects before in your class. When I took 568 we worked on renovating or designing our own LMC and you reminded us to be those words were followed!!!! Shortly after being hired we began renovation plans and now 4 years later it’s in the budget and ready to happen this summer! My superintendant of building and grounds and the architects were always impressed with how knowledgeable I was concerning sight line, height of shelving, spacing between computer terminals, and firmly determined to have the LMC more inviting and functional for K-5. I wouldn’t have had the knowledge without that project with you. This class keeps me reading, remaining current, and staying at the top of my game.
