Saturday, February 14, 2009

Week 5 EBSCO and other losses

Is it coincidence? Each week, no matter the subject or thematic readings, this class parallels my job as a SLMS. When I returned from the SLMS board meeting we were just getting information about NOVEL and the loss of databases, and Susan posts that as a thread for this week! We face cuts to SLS, possible loss of jobs and many librarians being asked by districts to write up descriptions and show evidence of collaborations, projects completed with grade levels, circulation stats, weeding reports, and options for temporary reductions in funding for books, magazines, online databases, AV and supply budgets. Throughout the week I worked on two disquieting committees. The first was to create a list of potential strategies to cut back workstations, and provide a list of locations for workstation retraction, where possible. As my principal and I inventoried the building you could see the panic in everyone’s eyes as we walked through their classrooms with clipboards. We will evaluate usage and possible redistribution of classroom PCs. I.T. wants to cut $135,000 in software and hardware and is looking to cut 10-20 workstations per building. The other committee is reviewing usage of software and will make recommendations for switching to possible free Internet options to replace costly software that benefits fewer users. Again, there is strong identification for a department who does not want to give up software they lobbied hard to procure. There were some easy choices; we subscribe to Quia for 600.00 a year when we can replace it with Survey Monkey, a free online resource. The biggest drain is KidBiz at $38,000.00, but with a faithful following of 8 teachers who feel its easy to prove higher test scores in their classes , this will get personal real fast. The principals will make all final decisions on PC retractions but I am on the I.T. committee and my cooperation will be a concern.


  1. Karen,
    Will you share this with the discussion thread? I think is is important for these students to see what is occurring and to see that your place in the school community is larger than the SLMC.

