Sunday, February 1, 2009

Week 3 Student Technology Skills

This week did not go as planned, I was sick, then sicker, then missed more work, which never is a good thing. The week ended with union issues, then out of town for a Teacher's Union Conference. Copious notes and new legal updates and loads of issues to take in and understand....I came home exhausted, and realized my homework was on my desktop of my computer at work. As librarians, our plates are always full, and you never work down those piles on your desk. I won't tell the students. A teacher at UB once told us, "You are expected to be an expert on every issue, the day you start working in your LMC" Truer words, never spoken!
Often, when we are learning "new" technologies, we are merely catching up to what our students already now about and easily use daily. Once we get a handle on it all, they are off to a new version of what we adults have just mastered. Theories abound that if we teach students using the format they enjoy for other facets of their lives, then they will certainly enjoy learning the more challenging curriculum....hmmmm. Will Richardson has me convinced..can I convince my fellow teachers? and will students stand still long enough until I can?? :)

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