Saturday, January 24, 2009

Week 2 Innaguration of a new President ushers in a new way of connecting the world

What a wonderful week, with the Inaguration of our new 44th president Barack Obama. Check out these pictures from a blog that captured the glory and the pagentry of the day that millions of people peacefully assembled to be a witness to history.
The contributions of worldwide bloggers, podcasts, FaceBook entries, YouTube videos captured the sights and sounds immediately before, during and after the ceremonies. Millions of global viewers were active in the moment, with capturing, creating and publishing the journal of information that made up the day. Streaming video stretched at the seams, slowing slightly as the moment of 12:00 p.m. noon arrived. Never before in history had this important and historic day been reported collaboratively by the average citizen in such a way with each of our own voices heard! The new web now delivers the new word.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely Karen, Also I think it's great that our new president is forward thinking when it comes to technology.
