Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week 10 Professional Development

One would hope when faculty sign up for Professional Development that they sincerely wish to take a class or session that interests them, that will motivate them, bring awareness and add to their classroom environment to the benefit of students But we know that isn't always the case. Teachers, aides often choose what fits into their schedule for the day something that is light, not too taxing. I think that by doing a flyer, I might promote my sessions a little better, not saying my sessions would be better, just that I might reach more of an audience.

I'd like to get something accomplished that I haven't so far, and that is to do a 5 minute tech info session each faculty meeting on just about any topic or something that a lot of teachers are asking about. New websites, change of passwords, adding a new database, etc., hoping to get all the librarians involved from around the district. I think this class has given me a stronger voice, and I'm liking that.

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