Sunday, April 5, 2009

Week 11 eBooks and Copyright

The videos on some of the Cyber Stalker/Bullying sessions were unnerving, and gut wrenching to view. I had to get up and move away at times as the outcome was so painfully obvious. I worried that blogging would be held up as a dangerous venue for children but was relieved to see the more obvious chat rooms and bullying done from web pages was more emphasized. There was a fair amount of repitition in many of the videos, as if we didn't get it the first time. I am anxious to talk this over with my superintendant. I wish we had known that we would be encouraged to begin implementaion with a plan of action but I for one cannot until I get clearance from her.

There were so many great quotes in the readings this week from the time line of many of the tools we now can't live without!. One aspect I didn't hear was this....IM took off from the moment it hit the ground, so did Facebook, downloading from iTunes, and they alluded to the success of the iPod because of the success of iTunes, a commodity that young people desired. If eBooks were going to be a web sensation, it would have happened. They will have a following for sure, but for a new tech tool to be an overnight success, it has to be something kids can't live without....and what will that be? tune in tomorrow!

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