Saturday, March 21, 2009

Week 9 Field Trip

Again, so much to read/learn, once I went to the first presentation I kept listening, choosing another one and listening. What a wonderful format, as it allowed me to do some other chores with my hands while listening and jotting notes from time to time. Doing what we like, or what interests us, or what we're good at increases the chance that you'll learn more thoroughly. This week, I had a student that was unable to stay engaged with reading his biography about Henry Ford. He was becoming angry with me, frustrated and distracted when in the SLMC. My principal and I sat down with him and asked him several questions and discovered he really hated his choice of Famous Americans and ended up changing to Jeff Gordon. We also learned he has 8 brothers and brother #5 is in prison with a young girlfriend and child. My student is anxious to move to California to live with his brother when he gets out of prison. We talked with him about choices and life and speaking up for himself and not using behaviors to speak for him. I hope we made a difference in his life (no matter how small) and he can move on to reading and learning about Gordon, a really focused young man.
Learning....there's soooo much more to it than most of us know. The field trip had some good examples of what makes a great presentation and what does not.

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